Adult Leader Resources
Internet Sites for Cub Scout Leaders
- Extensive Scouting Resource Page-Information and Resources for the Scouter.
- Boy Scouts of America- the official web site of the National BSA organization.
- Scouting Information- a very comprehensive scouting informational site.
- Cub Scout Information- A lot of information of Cub Scout activities, including planning Den meetings, etc.
- Baloos Bugle-Monthly publication with theme related information,songs,skits,openings,closings, etc.
- Scouting Traditions and History- how Scouting started in the United States, the meaning and insignia and ranks and information about the founders of Scouting.
- Scouting is a Game with a Purpose- thoughts on bringing the values of Scouting through to youth(an initiative of the Viking Council in Minneapolis, Minnesota).
- The MacScouter -fun and useful stuff compiled by Gary Hendra of Cub Scout Pack92 in Milpitas, California.
- Scouting Files and Links- a hotlist of program ideas, games, stories, songs, ceremonies and spiritual material
- Boy Scout Troop 24,Berkeley, California - particularly interesting pages at this site include:
Craft Sites for Cub Scout Leaders
Publications and Listservs

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