Parent Resources
Internet Sites for Parents of Cub Scouts
Child Safety
- Safety on Internet
- tips on how to play it safe on the Internet (written for parents
to read through with their children)
- Software that monitors and blocks various inappropriate sites
and subject matter
- Bicycle Safety Tips
Parenting Issues
- Parent Soup - includes
list of parenting resources on the World Wide Web, opinion polls
and a bulletin board for discussion of current events (e.g., Communications
Decency Act debate)
Educational and Cultural Sites
- NJ INDEX Hot List
of educational sites and field trips in New Jersey.
- New Jersey Museums
- Batso Village -
Visitors can tour Batsto for a fascinating look into the 19th century. More than 40 sites and structures remain to tell their story,
including Batsto Mansion, which can be seen by Guided Tour throughout the year
- The Allaire Village
Tours often include re-enactments of 19th-century life; some even include children's games. Allaire Village even gives access to a series of Nature Trails that wind through the forest, topping off a wonderful family or group outing.
- Liberty Science Center
- Robert J. Novins Planetarium
Movies, Videos and Literature
In addition to these Internet resources, Cub Scout videos (on
Wolves, Bears and Webelos) are available from the Monmouth County Public

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