How Can I Join Pack 180?
In September, we provide information about School nite for Scouting to boys in grades 15 at all Manalapan Englishtown Regional Schools.
What Does It Cost to Join?
The membership fee for Cub Scouts is approximately $40 per year , payable at re-charter time sometime in January. When you register in September the fee is $3.50 per boy joining. In addition, each den collects dues (generally around $5 per month) to cover the cost of den activities, patches and segments.
What is a Pack?
A pack is a group of Cub Scouts, adult leaders and parents who belong to the same Cub Scout unit (e.g., Pack 180 of the Battleground District, Monmouth Council). A pack generally draws its membership primarily from an elementary school or church that is associated with the pack's Chartered Organization. Each pack is made up of Tiger Cub, Wolf, Bear and Webelos dens.
What is a Chartered Organization?
A Chartered Organization is the sponsoring organization for a Cub Scout pack, usually a church, PTA, homeowners' association or other community group. The primary responsibilities of the Chartered Organization are to select the leadership of the pack and provide a meeting place. Each year, the pack must renew its Charter with its local council. The Chartered Organization must approve the rechartering application in order for the Charter to be renewed.
What is a Den?
A den is a small group of boys (ideally 6-8) of the same grade level. Each den meets on a weekly or biweekly basis to work on achievements and other activities. The den is led by adult Den Leaders and Assistant Den Leaders, who are responsible for planning and conducting each den meeting.
When and Where are Pack Meetings Held?
Pack meetings are held monthly. Most meetings are held on the third Wednesday of the month. Pack 180 meets at Old Tennent Church. The Calendar provides exact dates, places and times of all pack meetings.
What are Pack Meetings Like?
Each pack meeting is planned around a theme, such as "Dial 911" or "Do a Good Turn". Most pack meetings include songs, skits, games, advancements, adult recognition, the Cubmaster's message and other activities. All Cub Scouts and at least one parent are expected to attend. Other family members are welcome.
Who Runs the Pack?
The pack is run entirely by unpaid volunteers.
Where Can I Get More Information?
Contact one of the Pack Leaders, talk to a friend or neighbor who has a son in Cub Scouts, call the Monmouth Council offices (732-531-3636) and ask to speak to one of the Battleground, Twin Lights, or Thunderbird District leaders.These three different Districts depend on what area of Monmouth County you live in . You can ask whoever answers the phone if they can point you in the right direction to your correct District Leader.