Pack Meeting Guidelines
Pack meetings are for Cub Scouts and their families
- Each Scout needs to be accompanied by a parent. If a parent
is unable to attend the pack meeting, the parent should arrange
for another adult (other than the Den Leader) to accompany the
- The parent or other adult should sit with or near the Scout's
den during the pack meeting.
Pack meetings are for fun, entertainment and presenting awards
to deserving Scouts and adults
- Scouts who arrive before the meeting starts should participate
in the gathering activity. This usually is a pencil and paper
activity. Each Scout should sit and complete this activity with
the other Scouts in his den.
- Old Tennent Church has been very generous in allowing
us to use theNeff Chapel for pack meetings. Please respect OTC property.
- Scouts and their families may be asked to participate in games
or songs during the pack meeting.
- During award ceremonies, please sit quietly, listen and show
respect for others at the meeting.
Parents need to lead by example
- For the safety and enjoyment of all Pack 180 Scouts and their
families, parents need to supervise their Scouts and children
at all times.
- Parents are responsible for the child(ren)'s behavior.

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