Adult volunteers are key to a successful Cub Scout program. Below are descriptions of the volunteer positions which need to be filled each year. A parent in each family is expected to fill one or more of these positions. Thanks to all parents who give of their time and talents to help make the Scouting program fun and rewarding for our sons! Below is a list of all volunteer positions that could be filled and the tasks involved for that position:
Committee Chairman. Supervises Pack Committee operation including chairing monthly meetings, assigning duties to committee members and assuring Pack adherence to BSA policies, proper record keeping and financial controls.
Assistant Committee Chairman. Assists Committee Chairman in supervising Pack Committee operation. Attends monthly Pack Committee meetings. Chairs meetings in Chairman's absence.
Advancement Chairman. Manages and coordinates the Pack's Scout advancement plans, recognition ceremonies and use of uniform and insignia. Arranges for purchase of badges, pins and other forms of recognition awarded by the Pack to Cub Scouts.
Chartered Organization Representative. Maintains relationship between Pack, chartered organization and organizations hosting Pack meetings (Old Tennent Church). Approves adult leaders and makes arrangements with church and school district as required.
Membership Chairman. Enrolls Scouts and their parents. Collects registration fees. Matches boys to Den Leaders and parents to adult positions.
Public Relations Chairman. Takes pictures of Pack meetings and other Pack functions. Maintains Pack scrapbook. Publicizes Pack events and coordinates the publication of the Pack newsletter.
Quartermaster. Maintains an inventory of Pack property. Stores, transports, assembles and disassembles Pack equipment for Pack meetings.
Secretary. Maintains Pack records, records minutes at monthly Pack Committee meetings and handles Pack correspondence.
Treasurer. Manages and maintains all Pack financial records and bank accounts. Maintains and reports monthly on Pack financial budget and actuals.
Unit Award Chairman. Monitors and encourages Pack progress toward earning Quality Unit, Honor Unit and Summertime Pack award ribbons. Coordinates adult recognition program. Promotes adult attendance in training and workshops.
Cubmaster. Plans and conducts the Cub Scout Pack program, working with the Den Leader Coach, Den Leaders and the Pack Committee. Guides and supports Den Leaders. Leads monthly Pack meetings and ceremonies.
Assistant Cubmaster (12)Assists the Cubmaster as needed. Participates in Pack meetings. Assists in various Pack activities as needed. Leads the Pack in the absence of the Cubmaster.
Den Leader Coach. Supports the Den Leaders in leading stable, active and enthusiastic dens. Provides Fast Start training for new Den Leaders. Represents the Den Leaders in Pack Committee meetings. Attends monthly den deader meetings.
Tiger Cub Organizer. Organizes the Tiger Cub Dens (first graders in the fall) and provides orientation for parents. Coordinates Tiger Cub involvement between the Pack and Tiger Cub Den Coordinators. Ensures Tiger Cub graduation into Pack.
Den & Webelos Leaders. Conduct Den meetings with Cub Scouts in home on a weekly or biweekly basis. Provide a stable, active and enthusiastic Den and Pack experience for Cub Scouts.
Assistant Den & Webelos Leaders. Assist the Webelo and Den Leaders in planning and supervising Den meetings and activities.
Tiger Cub Den Coordinators. Tiger Cub parent in each Den who coordinates communication between the Pack and Tiger Cub parents in the Den.
Den Leader Secretary. Attends monthly Den Leader meetings. Records and publishes minutes and related information.
Newsletter Editor. Collects, composes and publishes monthly Pack newsletter containing advancements, den news, Pack calendar and events, working with the Public Relations Chairman and the various Program Leaders. Attends Den Leader monthly meetings to collect news and information.
Babysitting Coordinator. Hires and coordinates baby sitters for little siblings during Pack meetings.
Blue & Gold Coordinator. Coordinates the Blue & Gold Committee in the planning and organization of the Blue & Gold annual Pack banquet.
Derby Coordinator. Coordinates the Derby Committee in the planning and organization of the annual Pinewood or Space Derby or Raingutter Regatta.
Family Camp Out Coordinator. Organizes an annual family camp-out for Cub Scouts and their families.
Fundraising Coordinator. Coordinates the Fundraiser Committee in planning and organization of annual Candy Sale and Manalapan Day.
Good Turn Coordinator. Organizes the annual good turn activity. Primary duty is to communicate responsibilities to each den.
Picnic Coordinator. Coordinates the Pack Picnic Committee in the planning and organization of the annual Pack Picnic.
Outings Chairman. Coordinates the School Year and Summer Outings committees in the organization of outside Pack activities.
Popcorn Committee Coordinator. Plans and organizes the annual Pack popcorn sale including collection of proceeds and distribution of popcorn and prizes.
Webelos Outings Coordinator. Works with Cubmaster and Assistant Cubmasters in the planning and organization of the fall and spring Webelos campouts for the Pack.
Blue & Gold Committee (34). Organizes and runs the annual Blue & Gold Banquet including hiring a caterer and publishing the agenda.
Derby Committee (34). Organizes and runs the annual Pinewood or Space Derby or Raingutter Regatta for the Pack.
Fundraiser Committee (23)for Candy Sale. Organizes and runs the annual Candy sale for the Pack.(1015) for Manalapan Day. Organizes ,volunteers and runs Manalapan Day Booth.
Picnic Committee (34). Organizes and runs the annual June Pack Picnic.
Popcorn Committee (23). Organizes and runs the annual Poporn sale for the Pack.
School Year Outings Committee (23). Organizes and runs three outside Pack activities during the school year such as New Jersey Devil Hunt, bowling, etc.
Summertime Outings Committee (23). Organizes and runs two outside Pack activities during the summer such as a baseball game, Family Camping, etc.
Webelos Outings Committee (23). Organizes and runs the fall and spring Webelos campouts for the Pack.